Fully compliant
Your application and the cloud environment become part of the extensive Hyfen compliance frameworks ISAE3402 Type II & SOC2 Type II.
Hyfen's Cloud Engineers make your application compliant and suitable for offering to users as a SaaS application.
24x7 support
Hyfen's Cloud Engineers monitor and manage your application 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. No more worries about management & deployments.
About Compliant Cloud
Compliance wrapper
The financial sector places high demands on security and compliance. Use Hyfen's expertise and experience to make your application suitable for offering to financial institutions. Hyfen takes over complete management of the application and adds extensive functionality in the field of security, monitoring and logging to ensure that your application meets the requirements. Hyfen has ISAE3402 Type II and SOC2 Type II reports.
Shorten the 'Time to market'
Making a SaaS application compliant usually takes 18 to 24 months. During this period your business stands still and you cannot help customers with the added value of your application. With Hyfen's Compliant Cloud you shorten the time to become compliant to less than 3 months, your application can be up and running quickly and you keep your focus on growing your business.
Infrastructure as Code
To provide extensive audit trails, guarantee quality and provide insight into used components and configurations, Hyfen uses Infrastructure as Code. No manual changes can be made to environments and every change is checked by multiple engineers as standard to provide the highest guarantees.
Hyfen uses Microsoft Azure to offer its Compliant Cloud. Take advantage of the extensive functionality that Azure offers as standard in the areas of services and high availability. By default, applications are made highly available by using multiple Azure regions and, where necessary, can be scaled up within seconds to handle additional users or traffic.
Fully Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)
Offer your application to users via the SaaS model. Hyfen's Cloud Engineers modernize components where necessary so that your application can be offered completely as a Service. The most recent and secure Cloud Native technology such as Kubernetes is used to make your application available to users. With this we realize the highest requirements in the field of security and scalability.
Outsource your compliance concerns
Hyfen takes responsibility for the availability of your application. After an extensive intake and implementation, Hyfen takes responsibility for deploying the application, updates and all necessary infrastructure. We do this as standard 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with extensive Service Level Agreements (SLAs) so that you do not have to worry about this.
Secure by Design
To meet the highest requirements in the field of Security and Compliance, no risks can be taken. All solutions that Hyfen offers are Secure by Design as standard. We achieve this by inventorying and auditing the entire supplier chain and only allowing connectivity to systems that have been approved. Extensive security checks on the applications used are supplemented with extensive Web Application Firewalling to monitor active traffic. Security is our top priority, every moment of the day.
Ready for DORA
From 2025, many financial institutions must comply with far-reaching European legislation: DORA. Hyfen offers many of the necessary controls as standard to meet the new requirements. Start a conversation with the Hyfen Compliance team to investigate how we make your application DORA ready.