Mijnwaardeoverdracht.nl: a better pension experience at a lower cost
Achieve a better user experience for participants and reduce the burden on your administration with Mijnwaardeoverdracht.nl.
Actual value
Mijnwaardetransfer.nl shows the current value of the accrued pension. Participants gain real-time insight into their personal situation and the consequences that a value transfer has for them.
Completely digital
Participants who use mijnwaardeoverdracht.nl can request a value transfer completely digitally, compare the value transfer offer and initiate the transfer.
Full STP processing
Value transfers are a complex and error-prone process. Reduce the administrative burden and prevent errors by automatically processing value transfers.
Facts & Figures
8 mins
instead of 8 months
up to 80%
less dropout
Up to 70%
fewer questions at the Customer Contact Center
Up to 75%
possible savings
About Mijnwaarde-overdracht.nl
Reduce dropouts and complexity
A value transfer is often a complex, laborious and lengthy process, in which the participant has to fill in a series of consecutive forms. As a result, a significant proportion of the participants drop out before they have arranged their value transfer.
Choice guidance
Mijnwaardeoverdracht.nl complies with the AFM guideline for choice guidance and it is easy for participants to compare the current and future situation and make the right choice based on their personal situation.
Inform and activate
With the help of Mijnwaardeoverdracht.nl, value transfers are reduced from a laborious process to just 8 minutes online. Through the use of real-time data, participants immediately see what a value transfer can mean for them and they are enthused to work on it further.
Integrated administration systems
Mijnwaardeoverdracht.nl is a module on the PensionLink platform. This platform can be integrated with all pension administration systems. This makes it possible to retrieve all information about the accrued value in real time from the pension funds involved and to process value transfers directly in administration systems.
Actual and complete
When using Mijnwaardeoverdracht.nl, the participant immediately receives the most up-to-date and complete information about the accrued pension value. The participant can then easily request a quote and even have the transfer carried out. The required actions are processed directly in the pension administration systems.
Less hassle, errors and costs
This also means major benefits for pension administrators. The automatic process eliminates a lot of manual administrative hassle and greatly reduces the risk of errors. In this way, they offer participants a much better pension experience at up to 75% lower costs and contact moments.
Fully compliant
Mijnwaardeoverdracht.nl is audited in accordance with the ISAE3402 Type II and SOC 2 Type II frameworks. This means that this efficient solution always complies with the applicable and future laws and regulations from the Netherlands and Europe.